The Future of Dairy Farming is Here
Available Now in the South Island, NZ

Farmote is a smart, innovative pasture monitoring system that combines satellite-based multispectral technology with accurate on-ground Motes to take the guesswork out of pasture and grazing management.


Solar Powered




Easy To Install


Accurate Monitoring


Designed For Farm Use


Automatic Data Transfer

  • Integrated technology.
  • Less effort.
  • Increased profits.

Integrated technology.

How the Farmote System works

The Farmote System works by collecting data from remote monitoring devices called ‘Motes’ installed at selected locations throughout your paddocks. The sensors contained within the Motes capture pasture measurements and soil conditions that are cross-referenced with multispectral images taken by satellites, and then uploaded to our website. By harnessing the latest technology in remote monitoring, you can make the right decisions that will boost your farm’s performance.


Less effort.

Saving your time

Efficiently running a farm takes a lot of time and effort. The Farmote System is easy to install and set up, and will save you precious time better spent running other aspects of your farm. Up-to-date pasture data is delivered directly to your computer and smart-phone through our mobile-friendly website, saving you time and effort. With accurate daily data, you can quickly make informed decisions to improve your pasture performance.


Increased profits.

How you benefit

Farmote Systems helps you increase productivity and drive profitability by making your farm more efficient and effective. Making the correct decisions at the right time is critical – the Farmote System provides precise pasture data, allowing you to make the best decisions possible for your farm.

Profit from farm-wide technology
Farmote System’s revolutionary combination of data from satellites in space and Motes on the ground, provides precise daily pasture measurements and invaluable insights through a mobile-friendly web platform. It cross-references pasture growth data collected daily, using accurate remote monitoring devices in your paddocks, with multispectral images taken by satellites. Critical, up-to-date information is then uploaded for you to access online, wherever you are, at any time. This all adds up to increased efficiency and productivity through good decision-making at the right time, leading to the ultimate goal of greater profitability.
Digital map
1: Digital Map

The Farmote System begins with a precise digital map of your entire farm

Digital map
2: Paddock Boundaries

Boundaries of all paddocks are drawn, and Motes are installed at optimal locations across the farm

Digital map
3: Multispectral Imagery

Every day, data is collected from the Motes and combined with the latest multispectral satellite images

Digital map
4: Critical Pasture Data

You receive precise daily pasture mass measurements for each paddock through the mobile-friendly website

Ashburton Guardian
Central Rural Life
NZ Herald
Rural News
Gold AM
Contact Us

Farmote Technologies is a joint venture between Gallagher Group Ltd and Royal Barenbrug Group

Farmote Technologies

181 Kahikatea Drive, Hamilton, 3204, New Zealand

+64 7 838 9800

Farmote Europe

Stationstraat 40, 6515 AB Nijmegen

👤 Rob Veenes - Business Development Manager

0031 - 24 203 7044

Register Your Interest

If you are interested in getting Farmote Systems' solution installed on your farm, or receiving updates on our progress, please send us a message